Professor Valerio Sanguigni will follow the preparation of champion Emanuele Blandamura by subjecting him to a new test: the longevity score test, to verify the oxidative stress and antioxidant potential that the boxer will be able to reach during his training.
The " Longevity Score " is an innovative test based on the evaluation of the Redox state of our organism, that is, the extent of oxidative stress and the antioxidant potential of our body, correlated with the functionality of our arteries. It is performed in a simple and rapid way by means of a finger prick (for a small blood sample) and the bloodless digital measurement of the vasodilation of the arteries of the fingers. Once the longevity score has been detected, it will be possible to implement specific and personalized therapeutic and nutritional paths aimed at improving the quality of life both in "healthy" subjects and in subjects already affected by chronic pathologies (hypertension, diabetes, etc.).