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Come rinforzare il sistema immunitario

How to strengthen the immune system

The immune system is the main defense system that interacts against viruses, mainly to destroy their pathogenic capabilities.
We cannot predict how long it will take for an immune response against an emerging pathogen like Covid-19 to be generated or become protective.

The only thing we can do is try to strengthen our immune system anyway.
Nutrition can help, but beware of false “beliefs”.
There has been a lot of advice in this period about the value of some foods, unfortunately several messages are totally wrong.

In March 2020, the Ministry of Health, dedicating a specific page on its website to deny the widespread incorrect news also on some food products to combat Covid-19, reported for example:

  • Eating garlic may help prevent new coronavirus infection
  • FALSE Garlic is a food with some antimicrobial properties but there is no evidence of preventive action against the new coronavirus.
  • Eating lots of oranges and lemons prevents contagion because vitamin C has a protective action against the new coronavirus
  • FALSE There is no scientific evidence to prove that vitamin C has any effect on the virus.
  • Eating lots of protein increases the effectiveness of the immune system
  • FALSE There is no evidence that exceeding the normal recommended daily allowance of protein provides benefits to the immune system.

Months later, the lack of complete knowledge of the biological mechanisms of viruses, in addition to the absence of effective treatments against the disease and/or vaccines, has brought even more attention to the factors that can compromise the correct functioning of the immune system to fight infectious diseases.

The optimal status of specific nutrients is considered essential to maintain the immune components within their normal activity, helping to avoid and overcome infections. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), for example, has assessed and considers that six vitamins (D, A, C, folate, B6, B12) and four minerals (zinc, iron, copper and selenium) are ESSENTIAL for the normal functioning of the immune system .

In the study " Current State of Evidence: Influence of Nutritional and Nutrigenetic Factors on Immunity in the Covid-19 Pandemic ", the potential influence of the 10 essential nutrients, considered critical by EFSA for the proper functioning of the immune system, is considered by examining their possible preventive or other effects against Covid-19.

In this context, it is worth noting that the countries with the WORST PROFILE of intake of these micronutrients correspond to those that have received the most accentuated effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this ecological study show that the suboptimal consumption of vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin B12, zinc and iron is related to the indicators of Covid-19 incidence or mortality.

The scientific evidence accumulated to date highlights the relevance of the optimal state of the 10 nutrients but, above all, underlines the importance of Vitamin D for the immune system as well as for the prevention and fight against Covid-19.

The Powellnux plus tablet is a supplement based on Powellnux cream with the addition of vitamin C, E, Zinc and Vitamin D3, all essential vitamins for strengthening the immune system .