Arterial hypertension is a blood pressure disorder characterized by a resting value that is higher than normal physiological values.
It is one of the most widespread pathologies in industrialized countries and affects approximately 20% of adults.
Among the main causes of hypertension are very often an unbalanced diet and a lifestyle of excess. When the heart is subjected to excessive efforts to pump blood into the arteries, in fact, the risk is that heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms and other very serious pathologies may occur.
Bringing blood pressure back to normal values is possible by following a correct diet and lifestyle.
Those who suffer from high blood pressure are very often also overweight or obese .
For cases of hypertension, it is always a good idea to lose excess weight, but rely on a nutrition specialist who can define a nutritional plan suited to the patient's physical characteristics. Often, it is sufficient to adopt a balanced diet, combined with a more active and healthy lifestyle .
Similarly, it is advisable to pay attention to the sources of fats that you introduce, limiting yourself to the good ones such as extra virgin olive oil, dried fruit, avocado and salmon (rich in Omega-3) in adequate quantities and without excess.
A healthy diet must also include the intake of foods with antioxidant action. Antioxidant foods are precisely those foods that contain molecules capable of protecting cells from the attack of free radicals.
Finally, to improve your lifestyle it is good practice to not smoke, do some physical activity regularly and, in general, stay active.
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See the interview with Prof. Valerio Sanguigni on:
Preventing high blood pressure at the table