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Gli Antiossidanti

The Antioxidants

Regardless of lifestyle habits and the socio-psychological and emotional stimuli that an aspiring centenarian must nourish, a premise, this time of a strictly medical nature, is necessary. Any strategy aimed at improving the quantity and quality of life cannot ignore, first of all, the prevention of the onset of what, as we will see, are considered the main pathologies that cause death in the Western world: in first place, cardiovascular diseases, especially heart attacks and strokes; in second place, neoplasms.

It is clear (let's think back to the natural scale) that the subjects who age more prematurely and get sick more easily are those with high levels of oxidative stress and low levels of antioxidants . It is precisely in these subjects that it is vital to administer antioxidants to slow down aging and prevent diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms (cancer). This is where the concept of Superfood comes into play, that is, those foods that thanks to the high intrinsic content of natural antioxidants (polyphenols) can contribute, if taken regularly and in the right quantity, to re-establish the balance between oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses and therefore slow down aging and the onset of diseases.