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I campanelli d'allarme dell'ipertensione

The warning signs of hypertension

What are the warning signs of hypertension?
"Sudden headaches, dizziness, feeling dizzy, shortness of breath after climbing a flight of stairs or walking quickly: these are all signs of an initial hypertensive state. Above all, you must be extremely careful if these symptoms appear for the first time." Prof. Valerio Sanguigni, cardiologist and professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, speaking to Sanità Informazione, describes a pathology that is as frequent as it is insidious: hypertension.

Prof. Sanguigni is the inventor of the functional cream Powellnux , a cream with a powerful antioxidant effect which, in addition to being a powerful natural energizer, is able to act on blood pressure.

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The benefits of Powellnux